Navigating Transformation -- and Enjoying It: A Call to Your True Self

If you're eager to delve deeper into your true self, if your spirit is urging you to play a constructive role in this era of transformation, or if feelings of frustration and disappointment are surfacing... these are clear indications that a more fulfilling way of life is calling to you.

With over 30 years dedicated to fostering purpose, growth, and joy for individuals, communities, and organizations, I am committed to your transformative journey.

I am a socio-psychologist, spiritual mentor, healer, and international facilitator.

For individuals, I provide personal mentoring, healing, and past life research and integration, guiding you towards self-discovery and wholeness.

For organizations and communities, I offer consultancy services on projects that enhance creativity, envision future scenarios, and cultivate dynamic, thriving communities globally.

Find me on IG, FB and Youtube: esperideananas

PAST LIVES AND My latest book

With over two and a half decades of experience in exploring individuals' time tracks, I've facilitated hundreds of journeys in recalling existences from different epochs. I lead both personal and group sessions, on line and in person worldwide.
My latest work transcends a mere exploration of past lives; it serves as a mystical instrument designed to awaken the intricate mosaic of your soul. Envision each life as a thread, each experience adding luminosity to your essence's multifaceted diamond.
The narratives within this work are not only enthralling and profound but are crafted to embark you on an odyssey that resonates with your heart and kindles your imagination. This journey aims to broaden your mind and deepen your belief in life's magic and mysteries. It encourages you to seek novel insights into your queries, delving into age-old recollections that might resonate with you on a personal level.

The second part of the book presents an interesting and original analysis of recent scientific theories on the nature of time, perception and consciousness to stimulate a wide-ranging and very modern perspective on life. At times it challenges conventional thinking, thus opening the way for a new, deeper understanding of reality.


I have many years of experience in living in community, experimenting with and co-designing a new society.

This is an important first-hand basis for my team building and conscious leadership work. It is practical knowledge supporting all the processes I facilitate.

I design, co-design and facilitate workshops for groups and teams. I am available for in person and on-line sessions.

My favorite tools are creative expression, deep listening, story-telling and mind-expanding dialogue on all relevant aspects of life, community, and societal change. I have designed and participated in human development programs with many companies in the health, consultancy, banking and public sectors.

I focus on making sure that, at the end of the process, everyone leaves feeling more optimistic and inspired, experiencing a greater connections to their authentic self and the other members of their team. I love working with teams, creating a safe space for personal and group process and transformation.

I can also help you and your team organize an unforgettable bespoke experience at Damanhur.



I always wanted to make a positive change in the world. My first work experiences were with international organizations devoted to this. I was very young and I soon realized that politics and governance cannot transform the course to destruction humanity seems to be set on now, unless they are supported by a deep shift in human consciousness.

Through a deep personal transformation experience, I came into contact with an Intelligent Field of Love and Coherence that made me realize there are powerful forces supporting the growth of humanity. Since then, I committed to constantly grow and learn so that I could be to be in service to this Awakening.

At the end of 1993, I joined the Federation of Communities of Damanhur, in Italy, so that I could apply my ideals in everyday life. Spiritual practice became the support to my own transformation. Living communally gives me the opportunity to experiment with the creation of a new society that is more and more becoming an inspiration for a better future.

I am a psycho-sociologist and I have studied in Universities in several countries — I have three Masters’ Degrees and an Honorary Ph.D. I also learn from podcasts, comics and movies. I am on the faculty of Ubiquity University, for which I teach topics connected to the future, consciousness and community. I have complementary training in Transformative Peace Negotiation, Energy Healing, I am a SoulCollage© Certified Facilitator and an accredited facilitator of Aberkyn Business Transformation Lotus training.My unique gift lies in distilling complex and sometimes mind-bending themes into clear, understandable narratives, always infused with a touch of humor.

I love music, movies and books, I meditate, and I look for the beauty in everything through taking pictures and connecting with humans.

Esperide is able to give directions for a new way of ‘seeing, being & acting’. With a twist of wisdom, humor and Italian female charme she combines several scientific areas, anthropology, ancient history, economy, spirituality & brain research, in a holistic way. She is a wisdom-keeper for our new society and will guide us from divided to divine leadership!

Joke van IJzeren Director ‘de praktijk van’, Leadership in organizational change

I have worked with Esperide, personally and professionally, for over two decades. She is unique. What makes her such a potent agent of human development is the way she bridges the esoteric and scientific. Her passion to communicate - in one of her many languages - enables her to unpack mysteries and make deep wisdom accessible to her clients. Whether you work with her one-to-one or with your team, you’ll find her a joy.

David Pearl, Founder of Pearl Consulting, London

I had an extraordinary experience in my healing session with Esperide Ananas. Esperide is a natural healer and her talents are augmented by the Selfica technology of Damanhur. I have provided a space for Esperide to do healing sessions and thus have seen firsthand that everyone who had a session with her left feeling better, and some had truly remarkable experiences as I did.

Kylea Taylor, MFT, President, HanfordMead Publishers.

Esperide has an impressive variety of knowledge, from historical facts to medical & biological science, combined together with an authentic heart to heart experience and truth about leading a creative living. A true connection between spiritual elements, universal laws, and human factors. That helps to make it fun, insightful, deep and personal Leaving you truly inspired and en-lighted, with a feeling that you learned so much about us humans.

Marie Loher, Couturier and Designer, London & Ibiza

Esperide is a born teacher and facilitator. She transmits her knowledge and experience with humility and passion -- a winning combination.

Sylvie Gerard, Social entrepreneur, Geneve



Born in northern Italy in 1975, Damanhur is a Federation of communities and a worldwide movement, inspiring the lives of thousands of people. 

The Temples of Humankind are the sacred heart of Damanhur: a modern cathedral composed of several monumental Halls, carved by hand inside a mountain. 

Throughout history, civilizations have built sacred spaces to receive information and energy coming from the cosmos to vibrationally guide the evolution of souls, peoples and planets. The Temples of Humankind are one of these antennas. 

The Temples



The Temples


I am the International Activator for Street Wisdom. Street Wisdom is a global social enterprise passionate about bringing inspiration to every street on earth. All profits are re-invested into more social projects. 

My dream within Street Wisdom is to promote the creation of Wisdom Streets all over the world: streets were people are safe, smiling and talking to each other, especially to strangers. Streets in which you enter shops and cafés to connect to other humans, share stories, ask for advice and remember how beautiful it is to be open and loving humans, with everyone!

And I've had the pleasure -- and the fun -- of being interviewed on synchronicity and presence by David Pearl for his new book WANDERFUL!